about us
mission statement
The academy sees itself primarily as an educational and cultural
institution that wants to promote the development of people of all ages,
the discussion of important life issues and dealing with them within the
community. The question is "How do we actually want to live as individuals
or as a community?" in the centre. Philosophizing provides a unique
setting where life issues can be considered and explored in community.
The academy works
closely with a wide variety of educational establishments and
institutions. It sees itself as a network of committed people and
institutions that want to provide a contemporary and practical educational
principle. Our extensive cooperation shows that philosophizing as a
cultural technique is practical and promotes togetherness.
The academy offers
workshops, seminars and a special course in philosophical discussion. Due
to our many years of experience (since 2006), we successfully implement
philosophical discussions in kindergartens, schools, youth facilities, in
open discussion groups, but also in company training courses as well as
educational and networking events.
Academy "philosophising with children, youngsters & adults"
Philo KG, FN 483581 z, Alfred-Wegener-Gasse 21, A-1190 Vienna,
++43/1/328 20 45
or use our
contact formular
Sahra Ücelehan
Workshops, Bildungsmesse,
Neubauer-Petzoldt (Privatdozentin),
Vorträge, Ausbildungen
Lisa Hoyda
(Projektmanagement, Fitnesstrainerin),
Planung, Vernetzung, Philo-Camps
Torsten Büsing
Gesprächsgruppen, Philo-Camps
Lena Korherr (Kunsthistorikerin, Tanzlehrerin),
Gesprächsgruppen, Philo-Camps
Deborah Däubl
(Kunst- und Elementarpädagogin,
Collaborative Arts),
Alexandra Kopf (Lehrerin, Tänzerin)
Anja Monden
Uly Paya
(Initiator and management of the academy, teacher, painter), lectures,
training, discussion groups, networking
"In philosophising, I see an opportunity for personal development and a
broad framework to deal with life issues that hardly find space anymore,
away from the consumer and achievement-oriented society. I designed the
academy back in 2009 and realized it in 2010. Developing it together
with committed people and institutions since 2006) as well as from my
many years of educational work as a teacher (since 2001)
The non-profit
association "Philosophy with children and young people" is attached to
the academy (ZVR 941043846, municipality of Vienna) and supports
primarily non-profit projects such as the Philo-Art-Camp, an annual
suitcase market or the planned "Philo Art Walk" in the 19th district of
Vienna . The focus is always on bringing people together, mutual
exchange through the cultural technique of philosophising and the
support of artists of all disciplines.
The academy's team of committed employees strives to implement and
further develop a wide variety of projects. We can now look back on an
extensive list of cooperation partners.
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der Akademie zum Verlinken:
(zum Downloaden rechte Maustaste am Bild
drücken und speichern)
Das Logo der Akademie zeigt einen
Menschen, der eine symbolhaft eine Erkenntnis in Form einer Kugel trägt, einer so genannten "Erkenntniskugel".
Jeder Mensch hat die Möglichkeit, Erkenntnisse zu erkennen, sie
einzufangen und sich einzuverleiben. Somit ist jeder Mensch auch ein
"Erkenntnisträger", wenn er es denn will und daran arbeiten
Design &
Urheberrecht: Uly Paya
open source (Copyleft)
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Inhalte (gilt nicht für Fotos!) kopiert und verwendet werden unter der Bedingung,
Akademie als Urheber zusammen mit dem Link
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Hauptverantwortlich für den Inhalt der Webseite:
Philo KG
© Fotos: Philo KG,
Akademie "Philosophieren mit Kindern", Alle Rechte vorbehalten
© Academy "Philosophieren mit Kindern,
Jugendlichen & Erwachsenen", all rights reserved!